PSReadLine, a module that offers improved command-line editing and rich history capabilities.


Before using PSReadLine, you need to have it installed. It often comes pre-installed with Windows 10 and PowerShell Core, but if you need to install it manually:

Install-Module -Name PSReadLine -Force -SkipPublisherCheck

Basic Features

Syntax Highlighting:

Out of the box, PSReadLine offers real-time syntax highlighting, making it easier to spot mistakes as you type.

Keyboard Shortcuts:

PSReadLine comes packed with a variety of shortcuts, similar to those in bash, that can make navigation and command editing a breeze.

  • Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Navigate through tokens (words).
  • Ctrl + A: Move to the start of the line.
  • Ctrl + E: Move to the end of the line.

Command History

One of PSReadLine’s most robust features is its enhanced history management.

Persistent History:

Commands are saved across sessions, so you can recall commands you used days or even weeks ago.

Search History:

Easily search through your command history by pressing Ctrl + R. Start typing, and PSReadLine will show matches from your history.



PSReadLine is highly customizable. To edit the settings:

notepad.exe $PROFILE

This will open your PowerShell profile in Notepad, where you can customize PSReadLine to your liking.

Prediction Based on History: You can set PSReadLine to predict the next command based on your history using:

Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource History

View Style for Predictions: You can customize the view of the predictions. For a list view style, use:

Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionViewStyle ListView




PSReadLine is a must-have module for anyone regularly working with PowerShell. Its enhanced editing, history capabilities, and customization options can greatly improve your productivity.